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Sunday, October 19, 2014

So if you follow my blog you know I am a Beachbody Coach. You know I love health, fitness, the outdoors, Crested Butte, my Shakeology, and most importantly my family. I coach because I want to make a better life all around for my family. That started with going on Shakeology and getting healthy to set the best example I could for my 5 year old son and my husband. We started drinking our shakes on Oct 30th 2014 (WE DIDN'T TOUCH ANY HALLOWEEN CANDY LAST YEAR!) We shared our first bag as I became a coach and ordered my Turbofire Challenge Pack. Our 30 day supply lasted us about 16 days straight since we were both drinking it. I kept telling Corey {my husband} that he had to order our next bag. Over and over I told him. Day 6- I told him. Day 10 - I told him.... but he procrastinated and day 16 rolled around and he had not ordered. So on the day we ran out I ordered our next bag. Now I tell everyone I learned from this experience: If any of my customers wonder if Shakeology really has the benefits and effects that it claims - Go off of it for a few days after being on it.  We were both sluggish, tired, and craved sweets again. I learned that yes - it truly makes a difference in how I feel on a day to day basis along with keeping me satisfied and my weight down at a steady 115 lbs since Feb 25th.  (I lost a total of about 32 lbs on Shakeo and while doing Turbofire + clean eating. Cor and I both also won the Beachbody Challenge and $500.00 each for winning!!!)  So I knew early on that I not only wanted to carry on this healthy lifestyle, this was not a diet, this was a lifestyle change - but I also wanted to do it with Shakeology.
I am not going to lie - Shakeology is not cheap. It retails for $130.  About $4.00 a day. So I had to figure out a way to afford it. Becoming a coach was my first step. So now I pay $115 for it.

Ok, great so now I save $15 - but there had to be more ways, as a coach, to lower the cost. So I talked to my coach. It was easy - All I had to do was to help people get healthy in the way I had found and truly coach them. (I haven't paid for a bag of Shakeology in 10 months - and I get two bags a month). My commissions for helping others pay for my shakes and can do the same for anyone else with the heart to help.

Now to really break down the cost of Shakeology - I will break it down while making my favorite shake:

Indgredients: 1 medium banana ; 1 tbsp. of natural pb;  1/2 cup almond milk

Monthly Cost: Almond milk - 7.76
                        Natural PB - 1/2 container per month 2.33
                        Bananas - 5.20
                        Shakeology - 115.00 
                        Total =   $4.34 per day

** Non coach price = $5.10 per day **

So I am a Shakeology lifer. It makes me feel great. Seriously curbs my sweet cravings and I use it as a complete meal replacement for lunch - which in the long run saves me money!! Plus I get to coach people to a healthier lifestyle and in my world there is nothing better than helping others get healthy and fit!

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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Today was one of those days. 
Busy to the max. Stressful. Fulfilling. Challenging. Rewarding.

The day started with happy tears. I got to announce one of my best friends as she rank advanced as an Emerald coach. 
As soon as I posted her rank advancement - I immediately teared up. I am so proud of her! 

Then the frustration of working a full - time job set in: Today was Brody's first field trip ever. To the pumpkin patch. Growing up I have this picture: Me in Kindergarten at the pumpkin patch. My parents were chaperons on that field trip. Hence the reason I have that photo and the memory.  Since the day Brody started Kindergarten I envisioned going with him on his first field trip. I found out last week that because of my work schedule, the only day I could not change in the month of October, was the day of his field trip. 
He wanted me to go so badly. This is his "I'll just have to go with my teacher Miss D. then" look. 
Breaks my heart. 
I vow to him - from 1st grade on, I will never ever miss a field trip with him again. 
I promise him, a job will never get in the way of me spending time with him again. 
Sacrifices now = happy fulfilling life later. - This is my current mantra.
His bus was 10 minutes late picking them up this morning which threw off my schedule for the day and if that weren't bad enough as he was getting on the bus I noticed that he was not carrying his lunch bag - So there I was: crazy mom running out of the car yelling for the bus to stop rolling away because my son boarded while leaving his lunch in the park. 

Then I got to do something today that was really exciting!! My first PiYo Live class! LOVED teaching. Wearing the mic, in front of a class: what an experience. I had a blast and although they said it was tough, my class members said they loved it too! (I am SO SORE!!  Maybe practicing release 33 2 times a day since Tuesday was not the smartest thing to do prior to teaching a class! haha!) 

I ended the day with a call with 2 of my teammates and no matter what that always lifts up my spirits and then there's this: 

All in all I can't complain. A day can start rough, but as long as you are positive you'll get through it. 

How do you push through a tough day?!  
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

... It is a saying often heard from Beachbody Coaches. We say it to our customers and we say it to ourselves. Find a "why" that makes you cry. Whether it be to help a customer push play to get rid of medications or to help one of your coaches on your team make that push to help someone - we say it all the time. I have thought about this post for weeks now - how to say it- write it- explain it, wondering what people will think, but the truth is this is MY WHY and I don't have to worry about what other people think. So here goes. People wonder all the time why I am a Beachbody Coach. Why I push others to get healthy and fit and feel good. Why I do what I do. The reality of the situation is that there are a few for me but my "why" really didn't make me cry until this past Monday.  One of my reasons for coaching is so we as a family could re-locate to a tiny little ski town on the Western Slope in CO. A job became available for my husband Corey - a job that NEVER becomes available. Full-time year round work for the resort. The bummer of the situation: I have a really great paying job, we have a year lease on our house still, and Brody is in the middle of his school year. We realized that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Corey, so we took it. I say we because from day one of applying for the job, to the interview, to condo hunting in Crested Butte - we had to be a team.  This means that Corey now lives and works 4 hours away from us. 

Brody and I are sad. We knew it would be hard to leave- and we knew it would be a sacrifice for 9-12 months. In the end it will mean a better life for Brody. It will mean a graduating class of 60 kids instead of 900.  It will mean he grows up in a town where kids still can go outside and play in a safe environment. It means he can ski his little heart out. 

He wants to ski in the Olympics - Big goals for a 5 year old.

This means that I have thrown all caution to the wind and have committed to increasing my team by next year. Becoming a 2-star diamond coach.
As we drove away from Corey leaving him standing there on the steps of his condo, I held it together. Then Brody started crying "Daddy is my first and favorite friend". And for the first time my why made me cry. I need to re-unite my family in our favorite place ever. 

For now, I want to coach to earn enough income to supplement what part of my salary I will loose by taking a job in a small town.... In the future: 

I never want to miss another field trip of Brody's again because of work. 

I want to volunteer in his school. 

I want to open up a PiYo Studio. 

I want to HELP as many people as I can get healthy and strong. Go off of medications because they have changed their life. I want to help the coaches on my team get to financial freedom. I want to help one of my coaches who's job is crushing her spirits to become a full time SAHM. I want to help another mom help pay for her child's physical therapy bills. I want to help a woman supplement their family income so her husband does not have to work so hard..... the list goes on and on. 

So that is my big why. That is why I post daily about my passion for Beachbody and helping others. 

What is your Why?

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