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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Why That Makes You Cry...

... It is a saying often heard from Beachbody Coaches. We say it to our customers and we say it to ourselves. Find a "why" that makes you cry. Whether it be to help a customer push play to get rid of medications or to help one of your coaches on your team make that push to help someone - we say it all the time. I have thought about this post for weeks now - how to say it- write it- explain it, wondering what people will think, but the truth is this is MY WHY and I don't have to worry about what other people think. So here goes. People wonder all the time why I am a Beachbody Coach. Why I push others to get healthy and fit and feel good. Why I do what I do. The reality of the situation is that there are a few for me but my "why" really didn't make me cry until this past Monday.  One of my reasons for coaching is so we as a family could re-locate to a tiny little ski town on the Western Slope in CO. A job became available for my husband Corey - a job that NEVER becomes available. Full-time year round work for the resort. The bummer of the situation: I have a really great paying job, we have a year lease on our house still, and Brody is in the middle of his school year. We realized that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Corey, so we took it. I say we because from day one of applying for the job, to the interview, to condo hunting in Crested Butte - we had to be a team.  This means that Corey now lives and works 4 hours away from us. 

Brody and I are sad. We knew it would be hard to leave- and we knew it would be a sacrifice for 9-12 months. In the end it will mean a better life for Brody. It will mean a graduating class of 60 kids instead of 900.  It will mean he grows up in a town where kids still can go outside and play in a safe environment. It means he can ski his little heart out. 

He wants to ski in the Olympics - Big goals for a 5 year old.

This means that I have thrown all caution to the wind and have committed to increasing my team by next year. Becoming a 2-star diamond coach.
As we drove away from Corey leaving him standing there on the steps of his condo, I held it together. Then Brody started crying "Daddy is my first and favorite friend". And for the first time my why made me cry. I need to re-unite my family in our favorite place ever. 

For now, I want to coach to earn enough income to supplement what part of my salary I will loose by taking a job in a small town.... In the future: 

I never want to miss another field trip of Brody's again because of work. 

I want to volunteer in his school. 

I want to open up a PiYo Studio. 

I want to HELP as many people as I can get healthy and strong. Go off of medications because they have changed their life. I want to help the coaches on my team get to financial freedom. I want to help one of my coaches who's job is crushing her spirits to become a full time SAHM. I want to help another mom help pay for her child's physical therapy bills. I want to help a woman supplement their family income so her husband does not have to work so hard..... the list goes on and on. 

So that is my big why. That is why I post daily about my passion for Beachbody and helping others. 

What is your Why?

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