I get a lot of questions about how you can make clean eating affordable. Today I have a few answers.
Eating clean can be hard and expensive. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle actually helps everything in the long run. Less doctor bills, less prescription medication costs.
If you do away with your daily Starbucks, or fast food meal on the go, you would save SO much money right off the bat. You would be surprised as to what you can get for $50 a week at your local grocery store.
Here are a few tips to help you eat clean and maintain your budget.
1. Get a Rewards Card at your local supermarket
2. Look for coupons in the mail
While couponing is addictive and can be time consuming, the deals are incomparable. - My advice, clip what you KNOW you will use and on the DAY you plan your shopping trip take those ones you want to use.
3. Plan out your meals for the week
If you plan out what you will eat for the week, once you get to the grocery store it’s easier to get what you need and not be distracted by the countless aisles of processed food.
4. Eat local and in-season
Local produce is usually cheaper than purely organic because it requires less money and gas to transport, while in-season produce just makes more sense…who wants to eat something that couldn't naturally be growing during a certain time of year?
5. Organic does NOT mean better
The USDA bylaws for what is considered organic are unclear and unregulated. Fruits like bananas, oranges, grapefruit... anything with a harder peel, especially do not need to be organic. Save your money and just go with fruits and vegetables over processed garbage, regardless if they are organic or not.
6. Avoid packaged or pre-made foods
These foods are often almost double the price of what it would cost to make in your own kitchen and oftentimes have high sodium content.
7. Always eat your leftovers

When you throw away food, you are throwing away money. Think about that!
Here is a typical daily meal plan that is easy to stick to and has many health benefits while also being affordable:
½ cup of oatmeal with 1 cup of milk and a handful of frozen berries
3 egg omelet
Morning Snack:
1 apple, 2 tablespoons of almond butter
Shakeology (at only 4/serving, this is less than the cost of any fast food lunch even a packaged salad from a grocery store.
2 hard boiled eggs; salad with greens and tomatoes;
2 hard boiled eggs; salad with greens and tomatoes;
Afternoon Snack:
½ bell pepper/ 1/2 cucumber / mini peppers + 1 tablespoon of hummus
1 Chicken or Turkey Breast (4-6 oz.), 1 cup of a green or brightly colored vegetable (these are often cheaper if frozen), and a 1/4 cup quinoa
While this meal plan may seem boring, it is economical, healthy, and can be tailored to your liking by adding spices, fresh garlic, or fresh citrus for flavor.