Hello my blog friends - today's post is a little different than my normal run of the mill fitness / clean eating / Beachbody post. I am writing this blog post because the next few weeks will be a little tough, I may be a little tired, and a little bit not my normal self and I felt like I should share why - I want to share my story and I just felt this was the best way to let family and friends in on what is going on and keep whoever wanted to know in the loop and updated.
Earlier this year in April, I went in for my yearly check-up with my doctor, she is awesome, amazing and takes care of everything for me from my diabetes to my lady issues. I was so lucky to find an MD like her (she actually spends time with me and talks to me about everything instead of rushing out of the room quickly, as I have experienced in the past). So I had my check-up and that was that, she said she would call me if she had to discuss any results. A few days passed and then my phone rang "Dr. Robinson" popped up on the screen. I thought one thing, "Uh oh, my HbA1C must be high" - and that is exactly what I said to her when I answered. She said nope, that test was perfect. I need to talk to you about your pap, it came back abnormal... what is called cervical cell dysplasia. I had been down this road twice before, once in 2000, and another time in 2003. So I was used to the treatment. I went in in May to "take care of" the abnormal cells, and scheduled my follow up in June.
At my follow up they showed no improvement in abnormal cells, and since I was moving out to Crested Butte, the referred me to a doctor closer to my new home.
So I had visited my new doctor, who is equally as awesome (and is a total yogi/Pilates girl too!) and she ran some tests and did a biopsy and an ultrasound. The results did not come out great. They asked me to come in for the results. I went in on a Thursday. The 17th of September. I just knew, when they asked me to come in that the results were not going to be great, but I think I was still totally in denial.
Then they said the words that no one ever expects to hear. "You have Stage 1 Cervial Cancer. You are lucky, you are proactive about your health and we believe this is going to be very treatable." I don't care who you are or how proactive you are or how early it is caught, "lucky" and "cancer" do not belong in the same sentence. Like EVER.
So after meeting with my team, we set out a treatment plan to be initialized on the 19th of October... Then I got the flu. Bad. So they pushed back my first treatment by a week.
These words have been my motto over the past week especially:
A Little Background
Earlier this year in April, I went in for my yearly check-up with my doctor, she is awesome, amazing and takes care of everything for me from my diabetes to my lady issues. I was so lucky to find an MD like her (she actually spends time with me and talks to me about everything instead of rushing out of the room quickly, as I have experienced in the past). So I had my check-up and that was that, she said she would call me if she had to discuss any results. A few days passed and then my phone rang "Dr. Robinson" popped up on the screen. I thought one thing, "Uh oh, my HbA1C must be high" - and that is exactly what I said to her when I answered. She said nope, that test was perfect. I need to talk to you about your pap, it came back abnormal... what is called cervical cell dysplasia. I had been down this road twice before, once in 2000, and another time in 2003. So I was used to the treatment. I went in in May to "take care of" the abnormal cells, and scheduled my follow up in June.
At my follow up they showed no improvement in abnormal cells, and since I was moving out to Crested Butte, the referred me to a doctor closer to my new home.
So I had visited my new doctor, who is equally as awesome (and is a total yogi/Pilates girl too!) and she ran some tests and did a biopsy and an ultrasound. The results did not come out great. They asked me to come in for the results. I went in on a Thursday. The 17th of September. I just knew, when they asked me to come in that the results were not going to be great, but I think I was still totally in denial.
Then they said the words that no one ever expects to hear. "You have Stage 1 Cervial Cancer. You are lucky, you are proactive about your health and we believe this is going to be very treatable." I don't care who you are or how proactive you are or how early it is caught, "lucky" and "cancer" do not belong in the same sentence. Like EVER.
So after meeting with my team, we set out a treatment plan to be initialized on the 19th of October... Then I got the flu. Bad. So they pushed back my first treatment by a week.
The Plan
- Cold Knife Cone Biopsy to remove the cancerous cells. Since it was caught so early it is only in my cervix, it has not spread at all, so they will remove a large portion of tissue, examine that tissue to make sure there are no cancerous cells in the outlining tissue they removed. If there is not any then that will be that for surgery. If there is then we may talk about a total hysterectomy. (I really really do not want to go that route, but we'll do what we have to do to keep me healthy.)
- 3 rounds of high- dose radiation each one week apart from each other.
- Cannabis Oil
- No Chemo is needed! Yay!
- They said my nutrition is THE BEST they have seen in a long time! (Thank you Shakeology and Autumn Calabrese!!)
So I had my surgery and the first round of radiation on Monday. All in all I am doing OK, I am really tired, and had a few unpleasant side effects all of Monday into Tuesday morning, but am feeling much better as of today.
My family and friends who already know have been completely supportive. I am so lucky to have a great team behind me. Brody has been great too, telling me I need "the hydration" and getting me anything I need. Corey is also wonderful and has been cleaning the house, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, keeping the fire stoked, and all of this while working 8am - 11pm every day.
I will come back and update often and I am totally open to any and all questions you have.
<3 Leanne