So... it's been a week and a day since treatment # 1. I am tired. More tired than I thought was possible, but I also did a lot last week on top of treatment and surgery. Yesterday I had treatment #2 and it knocked me down for a good part of the day. Like full out, fell asleep while Corey was home for lunch and didn't even know he left, out of it. My last week was full and restful at the same time.
I worked really hard to bring Piyo to Crested Butte, finally got a class of my own going and I wasn't about to stop it due to a little thing like surgery and radiation (haha, I
am being sarcastic) but seriously, I really don't want to let it fall by the wayside so I taught on Thursday night. I was able to teach my full class - minus the piyo flips, power section (burpees and squat jumps), and knee pulls - but it was not a walk in the park by any means (and for that matter a walk in the park is not so easy either...). But that does not mean I am going to give up on my dreams or my lifestyle. Fitness is a HUGE part of who I am and I am not going to let this change me! A lot of people think I should spend all day, every day resting... and that is just not me. I am most comfortable when I am doing a good workout. (Yes, I am sleeping more than normal too, but I am not giving up my fitness!) Life is, and always will be about how you handle the curve balls God throws at you, right? So my thoughts are you can sit around and be sad or mad or defeated, or you can adjust your sails and move right along.

Friday was Halloween party day. First the preschool I do marketing and development for - Paradise Place had their pumpkin party. I can't even stress how cute these littles are or how lucky I am that I have this job. I seriously get to work on a website from home, come in and take photos of the kids, and work on ways to raise money for the school (we're a non-profit) I think about going into work feeling like I do, at my previous job and I don't know if I could handle the longer days, long commutes, traveling to clinics more than an hour away, and I just know I am lucky to be in my position.

Then it was time for Brody's school party. In complete honesty I need to be thankful for how blessed my life is. When I am working I am either coaching, taking photos of cute preschoolers, planning fundraising for them, or working on their website, doing photography sessions, and teaching Piyo. When I am not I get to go to school with the Brodster and experience all that I would never get to when I was working on the front range. So while my circumstances may not be the absolute best at this exact moment in time, I have a pretty good life.
A few from Brody's Party:
Anyways, the weekend came and trick or treat was Saturday. I started to get really sick on Thursday, but kept brushing it off. It was cold and windy, but we had a great time with some new friends.
On Sunday I got really really sick. My doctors say the radiation, diabetes, and surgery all lowered my immune system and also amplify my respiratory infection. I did get a big shot of antibiotics Monday morning and feel much better today, but still so exhausted, and I cannot breathe. I have also been using a ton more insulin than normal, because of all of the craziness my body is going through. That is really driving me nuts. Oye.
All in all it is not entirely bad news: my results from the surgery came back with no cancerous cells on the outlying tissue so YAY!! 2 more rounds of radiation and I should be declared cancer free. For now I am going to keep on keeping on with my cannabis oils (mainly because they help me sleep while protecting my cells from harmful radiation), working out, getting rest, and eating clean- because it truly does make me feel good!