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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ok...I am about to share my own #transformationtuesday post. I am NOT happy about my before photos, I am embarrassed- me the promoter of health and fitness, clean eating, and working out - I kind of let myself go a bit. Now I will say, in both the before and afters I am the same size 2/4 - but in the before photos I am 118-120 and the afters I am 114-116 and holding steady. Yes, I still worked out almost every day, yest I still ate clean 70% of the time, but I did eat some garbage. Some processed foods, went out to eat a lot, bbq's, camping - all of those weekend of unhealthy eating caught up to me. I don't even look happy in my before photos, I look sick actually. No make-up, and look like I don't take pride in myself. Well feeling like that SUCKS!!! It is in a time like that when I remember why I started this journey and am reignited to start fresh. I would love for you to join me in my September Challenge group. It starts Sept. 8th and you need to get a challenge pack to start (Or become a coach or if you are already a coach on my team you can join us!) For the first 3 people that sign up this week I will give you 10% off of your order!** 

Join me and help yourself start to feel better too. I want to help you become the healthiest version of yourself!

** you get 10% back off of your purchase paid via pay pal from you to me within 3 business days of your purchase

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