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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Today is my FAVORITE holiday. I don't know why Halloween has always appealed to me. I love haunted houses, love scary movies, and love being scared! 
I have a sweet tooth as well - and weirdly enough that started when I found out I was a T1 diabetic.  Before then don't get me wrong, I snacked, but I craved more of a salty snack. I will not be diving into Brody's Halloween candy this year (well except to sort it) but instead am feeding my chocolate cravings with Shakeology - and it's so good....

Well today is our first rest day. I am bummed! I did do some upper body bicep curls and shoulder presses with my patients today, and took Brody for a 1.5 mile walk before his nap, but I will miss my cardio today, that's for sure. I do realize that my muscles need a break though as I am totally sore.   I said I wasn't going to weight myself until day 15 but curiosity got the better of me this morning and I was so pleasantly surprised :

 I stopped drinking soda on Saturday, started eating clean on Sunday, started Turbo on Monday, and Shakeology on Tuesday. I started at 138.4 lbs and weighed in today at 133.4!  That's 5lbs baby!! 

And now for some non-Beachbody/ Health&Fitness Halloween fun: 

Here's Brody: 

And Corey & I: 

And our Halloween House: 

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I needed this today. I got into a big fight with my sister last night, had a long tough day at work and I just needed to get home and workout. And YES... it helped!

I came home on lunch to make our shakes today, and got a second blender today as well, so I don't have to keep coming home (it would be nice to always visit my hubby at lunch...but work is 15 miles away from our house, so I need the option to make my shake at work.). 

Breakfast was our Turkey, Red Pepper, Onion, 1 egg 2 egg white omelet a person; 1 vegetarian sausage; a bowl of berries. Filling and tasty! 

So yesterday (Tuesday) we made the decision to switch our rest day from today to Thursday... and we both felt like that was a big mistake. Especially in our first week. We are so busy on Thursdays and with Halloween being a Thursday this year, we decided to just switch it. I don't recommend it. It was Firestarter again + stretch 10.  While I felt like I can definitely do the combinations easier... Mine and Corey's arms were like jelly during the punches. We both said "So that's why today is a rest day".  However overall once finished we both felt great and each of us are sore, muscles are tight, and both are feeling generally toned up - ONLY after 3 days!! We haven't worked out 3 days in a row since we left our beloved VillaSport.

On the topic of Villa (That was our gym.) - I complained the first two months that we lived in the new house about how much I missed it and loved it and needed to go back - financially it was not in the cards for us. Our homeowner assoc. fees were the same price and we just couldn't afford it. But... I LOVE not having to come home from work and get to the gym on time for a class- dropping Brody off at Villa Kids and running upstairs to make sure we got a spin bike. It was stressful. I love coming home, relaxing for a few, saying hi to my husband and Brody, and then firing up our DVD on our own time!
On a side note - Brody LOVES Turbofire as well! He does his best to keep up and cracks me up. I like his version of the stretch on the lower left corner!

Tonight's dinner was: Fresh Garden Salad with Kale;  whole wheat pasta; Basil Tomato Natural Organic  Sauce with green and red peppers, fresh tomatoes, mushrooms, and onions. Small but tasty serving size. YUM!

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today feels great. I am not going to lie, the choreography in Fire 40 was much harder than Firestarter... but I still loved it and even when I would mess up a move I just kept bouncing around to keep my heart rate up. I remembered to set my HR monitor today and burned 563 calories and my husband burned 800! I LOVE Stretch 10 - it feels so good to stretch after all of that cardio and kicking! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE how I feel after a workout. I love how tight my muscles feel. It's been 2 months - but I already feel like I am back.

Shakeology was amazing. We made sure to get some good recipes today prior to just jumping in and trying it on our own. Thanks to everyone's suggestions we made delicious shakes and I (YES ME) was full! If you know me you know - I am never full!  

I can't believe I have 88 days left. Not because that seems so far away and I can't handle the workouts, but because that seems so far away and I can't wait to see results! If I feel this good after 2 days I cannot even fathom how I will feel on day 90!

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 1: I cannot even tell you my excitement when I opened the mailbox today and my Beachbody boxes were in the mailbox a whole day early!  I have a few friends who are coaches and I have always wanted to do it, but in my head there was this or that holding me back until last week. My friend from college - who is an amazing success story and an incredible coach - posted that she was going to hold an internship for new coaches and I just put all excuses aside and jumped right in. I signed up to be a coach, and ordered my first challenge pack.

Why I started: For the past year my husband and I have been extremely fit. We belonged to a gym and went 5/7 days during the week. We went vegetarian for the health benefits. We didn't eat fast food. We were strict with our workout regimen and it showed.  Then the move happened. We moved out of town and had to leave our gym - I can't really say what happened next. I can give all the excuses in the book: we got busy, we moved too far, it's been too cold to work out outside... whatever. All I can say is that excuses suck. We even started going to eat at fast food again. BIG mistake. What took over a year to build, our health and fitness. we just threw away in about 2.5 months. Pants don't fit me, my bathing suit that I was so proud to be wearing at the beginning of the summer was embarrassing to even try to put on, when you are getting ready to go to a costume party and are frustrated with the world because your costume doesn't fit and you threw out your spanx 6 months ago - you know it is time for a change. So I changed. Just like that. You make a decision about your life and you do it. That is the only way. No more excuses. 

How I felt about Day 1:  Firestarter + Stretch 10 Oh MY GOSH! I think Chalene was trying to kill me. Literally. We moved another 1000 ft up in elevation when we moved to our new house outside of the Springs and my lungs could feel it. There is a lot of choreography and kicking and punching... I was lost a few times but kept just jumping around when I was. Doesn't matter as long as you're moving, you're burning. My arms were quivering and I didn't know if I was going to make it. But I did. We did. My husband is joining me on this challenge and I am so happy that he is. Brody was a little encouragement as well moving and punching and kicking along with us. (After the workout he thanked Chalene for being a "good girl and teaching us all the exercises" (then wondered why she didn't respond to him!) It was great. I was sweating, I was sore, I felt amazing. No More Excuses. 

Tomorrow we start adding Shakeology to our day and I can't wait for that either. So ready to take charge of my health and fitness again. This time there's no going back.

Oh and I am also a type 1 insulin dependent juvenile onset diabetic. I am on a pump. I cannot wait to help people with and without diabetes that think they can't do this! You totally can!

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