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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Shakeology - The truth about the cost and how I afford it & Being a Shakeo Lifer

So if you follow my blog you know I am a Beachbody Coach. You know I love health, fitness, the outdoors, Crested Butte, my Shakeology, and most importantly my family. I coach because I want to make a better life all around for my family. That started with going on Shakeology and getting healthy to set the best example I could for my 5 year old son and my husband. We started drinking our shakes on Oct 30th 2014 (WE DIDN'T TOUCH ANY HALLOWEEN CANDY LAST YEAR!) We shared our first bag as I became a coach and ordered my Turbofire Challenge Pack. Our 30 day supply lasted us about 16 days straight since we were both drinking it. I kept telling Corey {my husband} that he had to order our next bag. Over and over I told him. Day 6- I told him. Day 10 - I told him.... but he procrastinated and day 16 rolled around and he had not ordered. So on the day we ran out I ordered our next bag. Now I tell everyone I learned from this experience: If any of my customers wonder if Shakeology really has the benefits and effects that it claims - Go off of it for a few days after being on it.  We were both sluggish, tired, and craved sweets again. I learned that yes - it truly makes a difference in how I feel on a day to day basis along with keeping me satisfied and my weight down at a steady 115 lbs since Feb 25th.  (I lost a total of about 32 lbs on Shakeo and while doing Turbofire + clean eating. Cor and I both also won the Beachbody Challenge and $500.00 each for winning!!!)  So I knew early on that I not only wanted to carry on this healthy lifestyle, this was not a diet, this was a lifestyle change - but I also wanted to do it with Shakeology.
I am not going to lie - Shakeology is not cheap. It retails for $130.  About $4.00 a day. So I had to figure out a way to afford it. Becoming a coach was my first step. So now I pay $115 for it.

Ok, great so now I save $15 - but there had to be more ways, as a coach, to lower the cost. So I talked to my coach. It was easy - All I had to do was to help people get healthy in the way I had found and truly coach them. (I haven't paid for a bag of Shakeology in 10 months - and I get two bags a month). My commissions for helping others pay for my shakes and can do the same for anyone else with the heart to help.

Now to really break down the cost of Shakeology - I will break it down while making my favorite shake:

Indgredients: 1 medium banana ; 1 tbsp. of natural pb;  1/2 cup almond milk

Monthly Cost: Almond milk - 7.76
                        Natural PB - 1/2 container per month 2.33
                        Bananas - 5.20
                        Shakeology - 115.00 
                        Total =   $4.34 per day

** Non coach price = $5.10 per day **

So I am a Shakeology lifer. It makes me feel great. Seriously curbs my sweet cravings and I use it as a complete meal replacement for lunch - which in the long run saves me money!! Plus I get to coach people to a healthier lifestyle and in my world there is nothing better than helping others get healthy and fit!

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